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The Hobbit 

by J. R. R. Tolkien


The Hobbit is a favorite novel of many readers. The tale follows the adventures of Bilbo Baggins, something of a misfit amongst other hobbits, who prefer a quiet homely life. Baggins, however, stands out as something of an eccentric sort, a fellow who is always looking for adventure, something that has little interest for most hobbits.

His taste for adventure has led Baggins into something of a strange friendship. He has become rather close to Gandalf the Grey — at least, as close as one could expect a hobbit to be to a powerful wizard. Gandalf is responsible for setting Bilbo out on his journey, and he watches over him, more or less, along the way.

Baggins gets himself into all sorts of little messes along the way, and into several bigger dangers as well. His pluck and down-to-earth nature go along way in keeping him safe from any real harm. And of course, when that fails, there's always Gandalf to save the day.

The Hobbit is a story that easily stands on its own, but it also serves as an introduction to the tale that later unfolds in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. It is an engaging story, centered around an endearing character, and it does an excellent job setting the stage for the epic adventure to come. It is a book that no one should miss, a real classic.

 Reviewed by Shelly Bryant © 2010


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